Monday, April 20, 2009

Life in the last few months.....

There is so much that has happened in my life since my first few blogs..... I have so much to say and I want to say it all. However, I have not made the time to sit down each day like I promised myself and write on this blog site. So much has happened since the beginning of the year. Since my first blog....

I started the New Year off, at my house in Southern California, with friends and the new cat, 'Bosco' that we acquired right after Christmas. At work I went through the stresses of dealing with inventory. A thorn in my side, but I made new friends over those weeks leading up to inventory. I even went to a Clippers Basketball game. They won! I don't remember much else about that night other than that.

I made more friends.... friends through friends. I was fortunate enough to make friends with many of the Transportation Guys that were working on a new pilot episode called "Legally Mad."

I am still enjoying the wonderful aspects of my job and all my coworkers. I am also enjoying the interesting people I get to meet.

I know this sounds ridiculous, but my New's Years Resolution was to actually speak to one of the many people that I happen to run into while wondering around on the Warner Bros. lot. And I succeeded. Not long after I made this promise to myself, so to speak (pun intended), I actually said words, instead of my usual head nod or weak smile. I said a word, one word, but I was so excited that I actually made words, that I didn't stop there. I spoke to the next person I ran into on the lot. I said "Hi." That's it..... Yes, it is ridiculous, but after spending so many of my years blushing and turning bright red, when I either ran into a crush or ran into a celebrity, this was a big step for me.

I have also become much more confident and definitely less shy since I've been living down here; since I got the job. I start up conversations with people I meet on the lot. I want to know what they do.

I "network" while on the lot. I've met many interesting people. Most recently, I met an Academy Award-winning Editor. How cool is that? He is such a nice man. He even invited me to come watch him edit. I would love to be an editor. The editing classes I took in college really fascinated me. I went so far as to buy Final Cut Pro (which, unfortunately I still have not really used because I don't have anything to play with).

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