Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back-up Plan, Bonfire Birthday Beach Bash & Baby Shower

It was a weekend full of "B's"...

Went with my friend, Mute to see The Back-up Plan after work on Friday. It was a must-see on both our lists, because the movie filmed on the WB lot for a full 2 weeks. It was fun to see Henn/Tenn Streets all decorated for a film. It was also FREE to see the movie, since we had both garnered up free passes for working so hard at work.

Then Saturday came along and I was invited to a Bonfire Birthday Beach Bash at Dockweiler Beach. It was fun and cold by the time the sun set. It was a beautiful sunset (see photo above) But it was pretty cool to sit on the beach and watch the planes from LAX take off. Sure, it was loud, but it was an experience.

And the end the weekend, I went to a co-worker's Baby Shower. That was a lot of fun. We played some games (I won 2) and we had lunch and cake and just had fun hanging out as a group.

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